
Friday 10 September 2021

Week 7 Successful Learner Award

Congratualations to Latayah for receiving our successful learner award this week. She showed a deep understanding of different perspectives around the issue of border restrictions. Ka pai! From Miss Kwok

Monday 21 June 2021

if I was an animal what would I be?

 I would be a dog because dogs are my favourite animal.Dogs are good protectors .They have very strong Jaws like a tiger.Some dogs are very smart because they can do tricks like sit,bark/talk and more.If I was a dog my tricks would be dance,bark and stand up on my legs.My favourite dog breed is a rottweiler and a golden retriever but the dog I would want to be the most is a tibetan mastiff because they are fluffy and big some are bigger then humans.what animal would you be?

Tuesday 9 March 2021

Taking care of my Chromebook at home.

We have been learning about how to look after our Chromebooks because if you don't look after it, it will break .

We will take a photo that we are using the Chromebook carefully.  


Kinda good. But at the same time it's hard.

A kind sentence that makes us happy.


This work will go in our cybersmart